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2011-02-16 14:29:16
Last author: Roxcie
Owner: Mataza_71191
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Back to Death Note RP

Blank caracter sheet

How you got the book:
Shinigamis name:
DO you have the shinigami eyes*:

Shinagami eyes* require to give up half of your remaining life to get.

Nickname* usefull if you are talking to someone else with a death note or sending the cops a message.

Name:Gary Baxter
Nickname*:Cial Blaze,or Kira#4
How you got the book:found it
Shinigamis name:********
Background:Traveled around for a long time as a kid,he was hardly accepted were ever he went,he found the death note in japan when he heard about Kira"the shinigami doesnt come to the human world for 9 days"
Do you have the shinigami eyes*:No

Username: [The Coffee-Prophet]
Name: Henry Roke
Nickname*:5, William Fawkes or Guy Rookwood
Height: 6'
How you got the book: Got it from a previous human owner (Details in background)
Shinigamis name: Fabula

Background: Grew up in northern England, and quickly grew fond of long walks in the windy moors. On one of his trips, he encountered a obviously insane character who muttered in a language Henry had only heard briefly before. After trying to communicate with Henry, the man was struck by lightning, killing him outright. In the hands of the corpse, Henry found a Death Note, and he quickly came in contact with the Shinigami that previously owned it, Fabula.

After understanding the nature of the book, he realized that this was no matter to take lightly. Despite the newfound powers at his disposals, he continued his plans for the rest of his life as nothing had happened. At 18, he moved to America, where he established himself as a rising star in the world of movies as a director. During a trip to Japan to scout for locations to his newest movie, he discovered the whole Kira-affair, and he realized what it was about and that not everyone was as hesitant with the use of their powers.
DO you have the shinigami eyes*: Nope

Username:[The Dizzy Raven]
Name: Amrain
Nickname*: none known
Age: 36(looks like he's in his 20's)
Hight:6 ft
How you got the book: ?
Shinigamis name:?
DO you have the shinigami eyes*: ?

How you got the Book:Found it while walking home from school
Shinigamis name:
Background:Lives with both of her parents. She goes to High school with some friends and her best friend Tonya. She's very cheerful.
Do you have the shinigami eyes?:No


Real Name: Yagami Light (Raito)
Also Known As: Kira, Raito
Height: 179cm
How you got the book:Found it
Shinigamis name:Ryuk
Background: Raito finds the Death Note outside on the floor of his school. Finding it, he takes it home and reads it, not believing a word. One day, when he's bored he tries it out for fun, and amazingly enough it works! From that day on, Raito sought to cleanse the world of evil, and rule over an almost perfect world, or at least a world where Kira, *he himself* was God.
Do you have the shinigami eyes:No

Real Name:??
Nickname: L, Ryuuzaki, Erald Coil, Danuve
Background:L is a well-reknown detective who takes cases only if they interest him. In Death Note, there are three main detectives: Coil, Danuve, and L. L later admits that he is all three of the characters, and Watari of course handles all these identities. Interesting enough, under Coil he charges a lot, and under L he is stubborn in taking interesting cases. In either case, after seeing all the killings, L puts himself on the case even before Interpol calls him about it. Interpol calls for his service, and L continues to be on the case. L has a lot of manpower and money behind him, and from with almost no evidence he cleverly narrows down the suspects.

Real Name: Amane Misa
Also Known As: 2nd Kira
Height: 152cm (Bust: 76cm, Waist: 51cm, hips: 75cm)
How you got the book:
Shinigamis name:Rem
Background:Misa appears during the end of volume 4. Misa actually is the only character in Death Note who ends up getting her life span extended extremely. She was supposed to die by a stalker, but Gelus, a shinigami, had fallen for her, and gave up his life to save hers. Misa thus gains the notebook from Rem, who took it from Gelus's ashese to give to her, and Rem becomes her shinigami. By the time Misa gains ownership of the notebook, Kira had already appeared in the human world. Misa's own parents were murdered, and Kira avenged these murders, making her workship him, and using her own DEATH NOTE she tries to get in touch with him by pretending to be Kira. This catches Light's attentions and sets her on the path to being constantly used by Light as a tool.
Do you have the shinigamis eyes:yes

Username (or number or email):


2006-07-25 [Mataza_71191]: not bad iv got pics for you <img:>,<img:>,and<img:>

2006-07-25 [Roxcie]: Okay thanks :)

2006-07-25 [Mataza_71191]: Light,Misa,and L

2006-07-25 [Roxcie]: Wow, very awesome. Finally done *sigh* Took me a while lol

2006-07-25 [Mataza_71191]: oh and lights shinigami is Ryuk

2006-07-25 [Roxcie]: Ohh okay thanks :)

2006-07-25 [Mataza_71191]: :D

2006-07-25 [Roxcie]: I hope i did it all right

2006-07-25 [Mataza_71191]: ill look over it,were did you find this info at??

2006-07-25 [Roxcie]: Okay ^_^ At

2006-07-25 [Mataza_71191]: ok because i didnt know lights other nickname...

2006-07-25 [Roxcie]: oh, is it wrong?

2006-07-25 [Mataza_71191]: no i dont think it is i havent read him being called that so its fine

2006-07-25 [Roxcie]: okay, just as long as its not. So light is bad right?

2006-07-25 [Mataza_71191]: light is the good and bad guy....all at the same time

2006-07-25 [Roxcie]: Well his info seemed to make him sound bad

2006-07-25 [Mataza_71191]: what he does is bad but his intentions are good

2006-07-25 [Roxcie]: Ohh okay, isnt he a cop?

2006-07-25 [Mataza_71191]: his dad is

2006-07-25 [Roxcie]: oh i thought he was, so L is looking for him?

2006-07-25 [Mataza_71191]: L is looking for "kira" he supects light but he says it is a 5% chance that light is kira but he is soooo wrong

2006-07-25 [Roxcie]: lol okay and Misa is looking for Kira to

2006-07-25 [Mataza_71191]: misa knows kira is light because she has the eyes of a shinigami and she is the second Kira

2006-07-25 [Roxcie]: Wow, well at least its not confusing then

2006-07-25 [Mataza_71191]: and misa is in love with light and kira uses that to his advantage t otry to kill L

2006-07-25 [Roxcie]: ohh so misa is with L?

2006-07-25 [Mataza_71191]: no light is with L kira and misa want rid of L

2006-07-25 [Roxcie]: oh so misa is bad

2006-07-25 [Mataza_71191]: not bad she will die for Light which means what she does is bad for a good reason

2006-07-25 [Roxcie]: oh okay,why do they want rid of L? (Sorry for all the questions lol)

2006-07-25 [Mataza_71191]: because L is trying to stop kira....(its ok) and kira thinks he is just in his actions

2006-07-25 [Roxcie]: Kira is Light right?

2006-07-25 [Mataza_71191]: yes kira is light is a new link tha shall explain Death Note Glossary

2006-07-25 [Roxcie]: Okay, thanks i'll look at it :)

2006-07-25 [Mataza_71191]: :)

2006-07-25 [Roxcie]: Wow, it helped me alot, lol i now know everything i was wondering about

2006-07-25 [Mataza_71191]: :) i rock

2006-07-25 [Roxcie]: Yes you do, very muchly lol

2006-07-25 [Mataza_71191]: :D

2006-07-25 [Roxcie]: Dont you just love being you lol

2006-07-25 [Mataza_71191]: who eles would i be???you...then that would be creepy

2006-07-25 [Roxcie]: Yeah, a boy being a girl would be very very creepy lol

2006-07-25 [Mataza_71191]: yes it would...

2006-07-25 [Roxcie]: Oh geez, the thought of it is even scary. GOOD THOUGHTS!!! lol

2006-07-25 [Mataza_71191]: ???

2006-07-25 [Roxcie]: :P Sorry i wasnt on, i was supposed to be, but my computer crashed and wouldnt let me back on here T.T

2006-07-25 [Mataza_71191]: oh

2006-07-25 [Roxcie]: Yeah, are you okay?

2006-07-27 [Mataza_71191]: ya im here and there im everywere!!!!

2006-07-27 [Roxcie]: lol wow Fun!

2006-07-27 [Mataza_71191]: yes and im outside your window :P

2006-07-27 [Roxcie]: lol! Im sure you are

2006-07-27 [Mataza_71191]: i am cant you see me....i the tall dark shadow to the left

2006-07-27 [Roxcie]: *Gasp* I see you!! yay! lol

2006-07-27 [Mataza_71191]: see i told

2006-07-27 [Roxcie]: Yeah, your just cool like that lol

2006-07-27 [Mataza_71191]: ohhhh yaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

2006-07-27 [Roxcie]: lol! yay my brother is going to bed early, and my dad is gone, and my mom is going to bed soon maybe, then i'll be all by myself! lol (Well except with you of course :P)

2006-07-27 [Mataza_71191]: coolness

2006-07-27 [Roxcie]: Yupperz, no evil annoying brother to bug me

2006-07-27 [Mataza_71191]: thats good

2006-07-27 [Roxcie]: I know, him and chris (His weird friend) Have been bugging me all day, his friend is even spending the night :(

2006-07-27 [Mataza_71191]: im spending the night at my frends house tomorrow night so i may not get on but i might because he wants to read our naruto RP....

2006-07-27 [Roxcie]: Okay, cool =) Oh yeah i just remembered, i have 2 blow up balloons tomorrow. :( But then again once they're blowed up they're totally worth it lol

2006-07-27 [Mataza_71191]: ?? ok

2006-07-27 [Roxcie]: Well in a way im wrong, because my brother and his friend usually pop them, after making me blow them up. Which is exactly why im selling them on E-bay

2006-07-27 [Mataza_71191]: ok.......

2006-07-27 [Roxcie]: I got a rubix Cube today, i spent like 3 hours trying to get it right but i couldnt. Rubix Cubes seem so impossible to figure out

2006-07-27 [Mataza_71191]: they are ebil

2006-07-27 [Roxcie]: Yes they are, i only try to solve it now when im in my room watching t.v. lol

2006-07-27 [Mataza_71191]: hmm

2006-07-27 [Roxcie]: Well my brothers friend is finally gone and he took my brother with him thank god

2006-07-27 [Mataza_71191]: yep..

2006-07-27 [Roxcie]: Your so lucky not to have any annoying siblings

2006-07-27 [Mataza_71191]: my sister is 20-sumthin i dont remember

2006-07-27 [Roxcie]: Wow, does she live in a diff. state then you?

2006-07-27 [Mataza_71191]: nope

2006-07-27 [Roxcie]: oh she lives somewhere near you then probably

2006-07-27 [Mataza_71191]: yep about a max of 50 miles away....

2006-07-27 [Roxcie]: do you visit her alot

2006-07-27 [Mataza_71191]: sometimes

2006-07-27 [Roxcie]: Thats good :)

2006-07-27 [Mataza_71191]: :)

2006-08-01 [Roxcie]: Wow it died down here Not good :( lol

2006-08-01 [Mataza_71191]: yep im going to put this wiki up and running sometine in the next week...

2006-08-01 [Roxcie]: Thats Great ^_^

2006-08-01 [Mataza_71191]: yep and then we shall see how many death note fans there is...also i found a death nothe wiki other than this..

2006-08-01 [Roxcie]: Yes, im sure there will be alot. Oh you did? Thats cool :)

2006-08-01 [Mataza_71191]: ya when i was seeing if the name was taken i found it

2006-08-01 [Roxcie]: Very awesome :) Did it have alot of info

2006-08-01 [Mataza_71191]: it had a lot of fans i didnt look around much

2006-08-01 [Roxcie]: Ohh well no worries because i'll make sure this one has even more fans >:P

2006-08-01 [Mataza_71191]: ...oooooooooooooooooooooo

2006-08-01 [Roxcie]: Yes, we will be WAY better then the one you saw

2006-08-01 [Mataza_71191]: coolness

2006-08-01 [Roxcie]: Very :)

2006-08-01 [Mataza_71191]: YAY!!!!!!!!!!!1

2006-08-01 [Roxcie]: In fact we will be so much better that they will be jealous of us :P

2006-08-01 [Mataza_71191]: hate when that happens..not really :P

2006-08-01 [Roxcie]: lol! Dont you just love it when people are jealous of you :P

2006-08-01 [Mataza_71191]: yeppy

2006-08-01 [Roxcie]: So great lol

2006-08-19 [Roxcie]: Where do we put our profile at?

2006-08-19 [Mataza_71191]: below were i started mine ill finsh it eventuly...

2006-08-19 [Roxcie]: lol okay thanx :)

2006-08-19 [Mataza_71191]: :D

2006-08-19 [Roxcie]: YAY you now have a member :P

2006-08-19 [Mataza_71191]: WOOO*goes t ofine tune the placement of the caracters*

2006-08-19 [Roxcie]: =] So very great it is lol

2006-08-19 [Roxcie]: Thank you for fixing it :)

2006-08-19 [Mataza_71191]: :) yes it is

2006-08-19 [Roxcie]: oooo when do we RP? :P

2006-08-19 [Mataza_71191]: im not shure

2006-08-19 [Roxcie]: Okay, thanx :)

2006-08-19 [Mataza_71191]: im trying to get members but i cant

2006-08-19 [Roxcie]: ooooooooo you want members?? I can get some!! :)

2006-08-19 [Mataza_71191]: yay

2006-08-19 [Roxcie]: I'll have 2 ask certain friends of mine though, just the ones that like to roleplay lol

2006-08-19 [Mataza_71191]: ohhh

2006-08-19 [Roxcie]: *Gasp* I found the first person im gonna ask, just a sec. :P

2006-08-19 [Mataza_71191]: cool

2006-08-19 [Roxcie]: Yep lol

2006-08-20 [Mataza_71191]: sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

2006-08-20 [Roxcie]: mhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

2006-08-20 [Mataza_71191]: ?

2006-08-20 [Roxcie]: I dunno. lol

2006-08-20 [Mataza_71191]: ok

2006-08-20 [Roxcie]: ..Dot..Dot..Dot..Dot..Dot..

2006-08-20 [Mataza_71191]: .........................................POKE

2006-08-20 [Roxcie]: Poke Dot Poke Dot, HEY! Polka dot!! lol

2006-08-20 [Mataza_71191]: YAY!!!have you asked the other person you mentioned last night?

2006-08-20 [Roxcie]: Yeah, actually the guy you were talking 2 yesterday was him :P But i'll ask more :D

2006-08-21 [Mataza_71191]: ohhhhhh ok is he here?

2006-08-21 [Roxcie]: Not right now, he was earlier though

2006-08-21 [Mataza_71191]: oh...

2006-09-24 [Koho Ai]: i can join

2006-09-24 [Mataza_71191]: yes have at it :D

2006-09-24 [Koho Ai]: okay i start making my char

2006-09-24 [Mataza_71191]: ok then

2006-09-24 [Roxcie]: Yeah, he's the one i asked to join. im so proud of myself :P

2006-09-24 [Mataza_71191]: im proud of you to you are very preswasive.... o_o i just relized how bad my spelling sucks....

2006-09-24 [Roxcie]: thank you! :) oh and trust me its not bad at all, you should see my brothers writing and spelling lol

2006-09-25 [Mataza_71191]: my hand writeing is spelling is crap.. IM DOOMED!!!!!!!!!!

2006-09-25 [Roxcie]: lol im sure its not that bad, your probably just over worrying :P

2006-09-25 [Mataza_71191]: or am i??<img:>

2006-09-25 [Roxcie]: lol!!! You are no worries xD

2006-09-25 [Mataza_71191]: :D

2006-11-17 [Roxcie]: ^_^ I have another person in mind for asking. lol

2006-11-17 [Mataza_71191]: :D

2006-11-17 [Roxcie]: Yeah, i always find someone. lol

2006-11-17 [Mataza_71191]: cool

2006-11-17 [Roxcie]: Yep :D
Friday YAY, such a good day lol

2006-11-17 [Mataza_71191]: yeppy

2006-12-10 [The Coffee-Prophet]: Joininated, whaddya think?

2006-12-10 [Roxcie]: Yay, Awesome! <img:44166_1164144932.gif>

2006-12-10 [The Coffee-Prophet]: Goody, how many do we need before we start?

2006-12-10 [Roxcie]: Iiiiiiiiiim not sure. lol
*gasp* Amanda, She's supposed to of joined and she forgot to,now I have to go get her

2006-12-10 [The Coffee-Prophet]: Four is a decent size for a RP party, so if this Amanda joins, we should be good to go in my opinion.

2006-12-31 [Mataza_71191]: im going to open the Rp in a day or so..if i can if more than 4 days pass someone remind me...

2006-12-31 [Roxcie]: Okay, i will lol

2006-12-31 [Mataza_71191]: thank know how my memory gets when im in a hury

2006-12-31 [Roxcie]: Anytime, Yeah I know lol

2006-12-31 [Mataza_71191]: i start rushing memory drops to -25%

2006-12-31 [Roxcie]: Yeah, same for me lol, I have my brother or my mom or something remember for me, and if they forget, then... well, It sucks for me. lol

2007-01-01 [Mataza_71191]: same here

2007-01-01 [Roxcie]: Yeah, I can only hope that they'll remember

2007-01-01 [Mataza_71191]: true

2007-01-01 [Roxcie]: Yeah, But what I usually do is write it down on a piece of paper and put it on my dresser where I'll see it lol

2007-01-01 [Mataza_71191]: i dont have sticky notes...

2007-01-01 [Roxcie]: Aww darn that sucks

2007-01-01 [Mataza_71191]: yep

2007-01-01 [Roxcie]: Well I guess you could use normal paper, its bigger and more noticable lol

2007-01-01 [Mataza_71191]: but it wont stick

2007-01-02 [Mataza_71191]: yeppy

2007-01-02 [Mataza_71191]: ..hmmmmmmmmmm

2007-01-02 [Mataza_71191]: tell me about it at my house you gotta nail stuff down and that onely slows down the process

2007-01-03 [Mataza_71191]: probably not..if he is like me then he knows what pile it is in and he is ok with that XP

2007-01-04 [Mataza_71191]: well your better than me..i gave up on my closet*shudders at the thought of what might be liveing in it*

2007-01-04 [Mataza_71191]: it is you cant see the floor inside it..anywere

2007-01-04 [Mataza_71191]: i havet cleaned it in almost a year..

2007-12-12 [Frivalicious]: L is 25 :) just so you know..

2008-04-10 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: umm wait...r none of the OCs available or sumin?

2008-05-02 [ForeverNothing]: ok so.... so you make a character, or can you also be the OC?

2008-05-06 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: im so extremely confused with this RP!

2008-05-18 [LittleMissNaiive]: So... am I allowed to make an OC?(if I'm allowed to join, that is.)

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